Submit a Song

Would you like to submit a Scripture song you have written to be considered for the app? We’d love to hear it! You can fill out the form below and it will be submitted for approval.

We look for Scripture music where the musical meter and melody of the song matches and enhances the inherent meaning in the text. Our favorites songs are usually those that are happy, moving, energetic, and free of excessive repetition.

Submissions can range from fully-mastered studio recordings to simple hand-written sheet music or a rough recording on a smartphone. We have a team who can professionally record your song, if your composition is approved.

We only have permission to use the KJV, RSV, and NRSV editions of the Bible at this time, so if your composition is in another version of the Bible we may have to modify it for use on our app and website.

Do you give Scripture Singer the right to use this song on any of their media platforms, music videos, and/or published music?