Scripture Song Filming Retreat

Come and join us at Three Angels Broadcasting Network's beautiful campus in Illinois!

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Memorize Scripture Automatically!

Have you ever had a song get stuck in your head without even trying?
Get an earworm you want!

  • Listen in the car!
  • Listen while you excercise!
  • Listen while you cook!
  • Listen while you shower!

Memorize anywhere! All you've got to do is LISTEN!

Let Us Help!

We’ve been using music to memorize scripture for decades and it works! Now our goal is to provide quality Scripture songs in an easy to use format to make your journey pleasant and full of joy!

The Word of God is Powerful!
~ Hebrews 4:12

Easy as...

1. Get the App

App Store Google Play

2. Listen!

You could just LISTEN, but...

3. Share

Don't keep it to yourself!
Share with your freinds!

We Need Your Help!

Do you believe in this ministry? Would you like to partner with us in bringing the Scriptures to the world!? We are looking for donors who God is calling to partner with us with monthly or one time contributions!

Donate Online Now!

What is Scripture Singer?

Scripture Singer is an app that is designed to make memorization of the Holy Bible easy and effective. It allows you to effortlessly memorize parts of the Bible by listening to and singing along with Scripture verses that are set to music. This simple tool provides you with the opportunity to learn Scriptures anywhere and at any time, and gives you the freedom to go at whatever pace you’d like.

Why Memorize Scripture?

We believe that the best way to store God’s Word in our hearts is the biblical model of singing God’s Word. His Word not only changes us (Ephesians 5:25-27), but can also shield from the attacks of Satan. When Jesus was in temptation, He responded by quoting Scripture. How much more important is it to us now? There is power in God’s Word, and memorizing Scripture is just that.

Delighted Users


October Newsletter 2023

In the past two years our team of volunteers has bean very busy in different ministries, but, in the past few weeks Scripture Singer has come back to front-and-center for many of us!

It Is Written Canada TV Interview

Mike and Rene Lemon, Co-hosts for It Is Written Canada Interview Craig Cleveland about the importance and ease of memorizing scripture through song.

TV Interview

Valley Viewpoint's Dan Solis interviews Craig Cleveland, the founder of the Scripture Singer App and website.

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